1. XXXIII National Congress Sociedad Española de Trombosis y Hemostasia (SETH) and LIX National Meeting Sociedad Española de Hematología y Hemoterapia (SEHH). October 26-28, 2016, Malaga. DIAGNÓSTICOS EN ENFERMEDADES HEMATOLÓGICAS HEREDITARIAS MEDIANTE PANELES DE GENES DE NEXT GENERATION SEQUENCING (NGS). Mayka Sanchez-Fernandez, Josep Fita-Torró, Beatriz Cadenas-Sevilla, Clara Esteban-Jurado, David Beneitez-Pastor, Jose Luis Dapena, Adoración Blanco-Alvarez, Victor Marco Betes, José Luis Fuster, Mar Bermúdez-Cortés, Leonor Arenillas, Sara Montesdeoca, Laia Martínez, Carme Pedro, Santiago Pérez-Montero, Inés Hernández-Rodriguez, Cristian Tornador-Antolín.

  2. The European Iron Club Annual Meeting. 2017. Munster, Germany, 24-26 June 2017. Member of the organizing scientific committee and chair woman in session. Invited talks: Talk 1: M Sanchez: Diagnosis of non-HFE-HH by NGS. Talk 2: M Sanchez. Highlights from BioIron I.

  3. Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Associations of Patients with Haemochromatosis (EFAPH). Munster, Germany, 24 June 2017. Invited talk: M Sanchez: BioIron 2017: Any relevant news for HH-Patients?. In addition, attendance as the Spanish representative of the Spanish Association of Hemochromatosis (AEH), present annual Spanish AEH report

  4. 22nd Annual Congress of the European Hematology Association (EHA) 2017. June 22-25, Madrid, Spain. Invited world-wide expert reviewer in the EHA2017 in the topic: Iron Metabolism, deficiency and overload. Poster: MUTATIONS IN YARS2 CAUSE CONGENITAL SIDEROBLASTIC ANEMIA WITHOUT SHOWING EVIDENCES OF MYOPATHY AND LACTIC ACIDOSIS. Beatriz Cadenas, Josep Fita, Sara Montesdeoca, Carme Pedro , Mayka Sanchez

  5. X Congreso Nacional Sociedad Española de Hematología y Oncología Pediatricas (SEHOP) 25-27 May 2014, Madrid. Poster: Anemia ferropénica grave refractaria a ferroterapia oral debido a una forma “IRIDA-like”. Alvaro Diaz, Isabel Badell, Anna Sangorrin, Chiara Victoria Stasi, Mayka Sanchez.

  6. Seventh Congress of the International BIOIRON Society. BIOIRON 2017. Los Angeles, USA. May 7-11 2017. Poster: Inappropriate expression of hepcidin in the liver of Profilin-2 knock out mice.

  7. Biannual General Meeting of Hemochromatosis International (HI). Los Angeles, USA. May 12 2017. Invited talk: M Sanchez: Activity Report from the Spanish Hemochromatosis Association.

  8. EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Anaemias: Diagnosis and Traetmnet in the Omics Era. February 2-4, 2017, Barcelona, Spain. Member of the organizing scientific committee and Invited speaker: Clinical Cases solved by NGS.


  1. XXXII National Congress Sociedad Española de Trombosis y Hemostasia (SETH) and LVIII National Meeting Sociedad Española de Hematología y Hemostasia (SEHH). October 20-22, 2016, Santiago de Compostela. Poster Comentado PC-323: Una mutación en el elemento de respuesta al hierro (IRE) del gen ALAS2 es un modificador de la gravedad clínica en Protoporfiria eritropoyética.

  2. The European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) International congress. 2016. Barcelona, Spain, 21-24 May 2016. Poster Presentation: P13.03C: Aceruloplasminemia: new cases with novel mutations in CP gene.

  3. The European Iron Club Annual Meeting. 2016. Innsbruck, Vienna, 7-10 April 2016. Member of the organizing scientific committee and chairwoman on Iron deficiency and anaemia session on Fidasy 8th April 2016. Poster Presentations: P84: Aceruloplasminemia: new cases with novel mutations in Ceruloplasmin gene. P75: Is the blood from Haemochromatosis subjects accepted for transfusion?- An European survey among thirteen countries.


  1. 2nd international conference on RNA Biology in Cancer and other Diseases -RNAREG-IJC. November 24-26th 2015, Barcelona. Congress Organizer. Oral presentation: Post-transcriptional regulation by the Iron regulatory proteins and ironresponsive element system: new players. 2 Posters: P3# mRNA SPLICING DEFECT AS CAUSE OF CONGENITAL HYPOTRANSFERRINEMIA, P7# PROFILIN-2, A NEW PLAYER IN IRON METABOLISM

  2. Conference on Hereditary Hemochromatosis, Reflections on Clinical and Practical Aspects inside the 11th General Meeting of EFAPH: 2015. 16-17th October 2015, St Franziskus Hospital, Cologne. Invited speaker: The Catalunya approach in Spain by Dr. Mayka Sanchez (inside the session Blood donation and Hereditary Hemochromatosis).

  3. XXXI National Congress Sociedad Española de Trombosis y Hemostasia (SETH) and LVII National Meeting Sociedad Española de Hematología y Hemostasia (SEHH). October 22-24, 2015, Valencia. Comunicación oral: CO-037 Profilina-2, una nueva proteína en el metabolismo del hierro. Poster Comentado PC-55: Sobrecarga férrica en paciente joven.

  4. Sixth Congress of the International BIOIRON Society. BIOIRON 2015. Hanghzou, China September 6-10 2015. Poster #10: Atransferrinemia : an ultra-rare iron-loading anaemia. Report of 6 cases from 4 families. Poster #22: Porfilin-2, a new player in iron metabolism. Selected oral communication: #39 A mutation in the Iron-reponsive element of ALAS2 is a modifier of clinical severity in Erythropoietic Protoporphyria. Poster #63: Genotype-phenotype studies in 70 IRIDA patients.

  5. EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting: Red Cell and Iron Disorders, and Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS). Lisbon, Portugal, 6-8 March 2015. Selected as poster: Atransferrinemia, an ultra-rare iron-loading anaemia. Report of 6 cases from 4 families.