LXV National Congress of SEHH and XXXIX National Congress of SETH
Dr. Mayka Sánchez attended the LXV National Congress of SEHH and XXXIX National Congress of SETH to discuss her new paper, which was carried out jointly with her research team from the International University of Catalonia (UIC). All reported cases of CDA III present with a core phenotype consisting of a…
Collaboration agreement between BLOODGENETICS and CIEMAT
BLOODGENETICS signed a collaboration agreement with CIEMAT and Dr José Carlos Segovia Sanz group for the future development of Gene Therapy in Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia in the Neotec2019 application context. Thanks to the patient association ADISCON support!
BLOODGENETICS gets an ENISA for young entrepreneurs
BLOODGENETICS gets an ENISA loan for young entrepreneurs!! ENISA depends on the Spanish Ministry of industry, trade and tourism and gives financial support to small and middle-sized companies with transformation potential, which are committed to entrepreneurship and innovation. We are very excited for having this support of the Spanish Government and committed to a social…
BLOODGENETICS and UIC publication on Pharmaceuticals
New contribution of BLOODGENETICS and UIC to ferritin diseases. One gene five diseases: hereditary hyperferritinemia with cataracts, benign hyperferritinemia, neuroferritinopathy, L-ferritin deficiency dominant, L-ferritin deficiency recessive. Follow the link to read the article: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8247/12/1/17
BLOODGENETICS awarded with Torres Quevedo and DI MINECO contracts
BLOODGENETICS has been awarded with two contracts from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness: Postdoctoral position Torres Quevedo for three years Industrial Doctorate for four years
Publication in Haematologica Journal
Accepted Publication in Haematologica Journal (impact factor: 9.090) with contribution from BLOODGENETICS The manuscript: “The phenotypic spectrum of germline YARS2 variants: from sideroblastic anemia to mitochondrial myopathy, lactic acidosis and sideroblastic anemia 2” by Lisa G. Riley and colleagues has recently been accepted in the prestigious journal Haematologica. This work is a collaboration of researchers…
Dr. Mayka Sánchez’s seminar
Dr. Mayka Sanchez (Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute and cofounder of BloodGenetics) held a seminar on April 4th at Institut de Recerca de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, in collaboration with the Unit of Hematology, Oncology and Hematopoietic Transplantation with the title “Hematological and neurological diseases due to homeostatic dysfunction of iron metabolism” Synopsis…
Santander CRUE CEPYME Fellowship
BLOODGENETICS has been granted with the Santander CRUE CEPYME Fellowship, a program aimed at completing the training of students from Spanish universities, bringing reality closer to the professional field, expanding their knowledge and favoring their contact with companies to facilitate their labor insertion. Thanks to this fellowship we will continue to complete our database,…
European Iron Club Zürich 2018
BLOODGENETICS has participated in the European Iron Club held in Zürich from 8th to 11th February, 2018. We presented the following poster: CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS BY NEXT GENERATION SEQUENCING OF HEREDITARY HAEMATOLOGICAL DISEASES. Sònia Sabaté-Soler, Josep Fita-Torró, Beatriz Cadenas-Sevilla, Clara Esteban-Jurado, David Beneitez-Pastor, Jose Luis Dapena, Adoración Blanco-Alvarez, Eugènia Rivero-Arango, José Luis Fuster, Mar Bermúdez-Cortés,…
I Genetic Interhospital Conference of Catalonia
BLOODGENETICS at the I Genetic Interhospital Conference of Catalonia The BloodGenetics team will attend the I Interhospital Conference of Catalonia to be held at the Hospital de Sant Pau (Barcelona) on November 27th. During the conference we will participate in the roundtable in which the company-hospital relationship will be discussed. Also we will announce our…
BloodGenetics’s recapitalization round
BloodGenetics’s recapitalization round We are looking for investors. Held stocks of the Company from 2000€. If you are interested, please contact info@bloodgenetics.com and we will send you our Business Plan.
SEHH-SETH Málaga 2017
BLOODGENETICS at SEHH-SETH – Málaga 2017 The BloodGenetics team will attend the 33rd National Congress of the Spanish Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (SETH) and the 59th National Meeting of the Spanish Society of Hematology and Hemotherapy (SEHH) in Málaga on 26-28th October 2017. During the Congress the following communication will be presented: DIAGNOSES IN…
EHA 22nd Congress in Madrid
BLOODGENETICS at EHA22- Madrid 2017 BloodGenetics team attended the 22nd European Hematology Association (EHA22) International congress in Madrid on 22-25th June 2017. During this meeting, Dr. Tornador and Dr. Sanchez promote the company with a dinner at the restaurant “ La Zamorana” (very good food and very nice restaurant private room!) attended by medical doctors,…